söndag 17 juli 2011


Godric Griffendoor: We should only let in the BRAVEST of them all, of course....
Salizar Slytherin: No, no, no, shut up. We should only take those with PURE blood.
Roweena Ravenclaw: Uh-uh! You're BOTH wrong! They should be the SMARTEST!
*bicker bicker*
Helga Hufflepuff: Guys..... can't we take them all?

hjälp mig, ska jag göra en dödsätarsymbol på handleden
eller ska jag ha en text i nacken där de står "To learn how to love and forget how to hate"
Eller en text i nacken där de står
 " If there's gotta be a winner, then it should be us.
If you can't keep up, we'll leave you crumbling in the dust.So what if we cheated?

So what if we lied? We've got something burning up inside; We've got Slytherin pride."

iaf så har ni några bra wizard rocks låtar ni kan lyssna på , ha de gör häääj

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